
Tags: School singing lessons, Private singing tutor, Singing lessons in London, singing lessons

About Emily

A lifelong music lover, Emily is passionate about encouraging everyone to experience the joy of singing and to take their vocal skills to the next level.

Hunting for Your Singing Lessons in London: Which is Better – a Private Teacher or a School?


Are you searching for singing lessons in London and feeling overwhelmed by all the options available to you? When you drop the words ‘singing lessons London’ into Google, you’ll find a seemingly endless list of private tutors, music colleges and singing schools, but which one should you choose and what’s the difference? While of course, some tutors will be better than others, it’s not simply a case of distinguishing between high-quality singing lessons and inferior tuition, it’s also so important to get the right tutor to suit your own needs. Not every singing teacher will be the right match for every [...]

Hunting for Your Singing Lessons in London: Which is Better – a Private Teacher or a School?2024-11-21T15:26:54+00:00

How to Properly Prepare for Your First Singing Lesson


So you’ve booked your first singing lesson. How exciting! How are you feeling? Are you looking forward to trying something new and keen to learn new skills, or are you feeling a little nervous? Either way, it’s good to be prepared so you can get the most out of your very first lesson. So here are some things to think about now, in advance of your first singing lesson… Don’t Worry or Feel Embarrassed Your teacher is there to teach you how to sing better. If your singing voice was already perfect, then there’d be no point in having singing lessons! [...]

How to Properly Prepare for Your First Singing Lesson2024-11-21T13:59:53+00:00

How Singers Can Get the Perfect Night’s Sleep


We’ve often mentioned how important it is for singers to sleep well. Sleep will revitalise your mind and your body. When you sing, you use many muscles, throughout your body, not just your facial muscles, and they all need to be well-rested. In addition, with a good night’s sleep, our memory works better, which is ideal for remembering lyrics, and we’re more calm and relaxed, which can help to combat nerves and stage fright. You’ll also feel more energised, ready to put on a great performance. So now we’re clear on how vital it is to get that all-important restorative sleep, [...]

How Singers Can Get the Perfect Night’s Sleep2024-10-31T11:20:41+00:00

Vocal Health: Top Tips for Looking After Your Voice


If you played an instrument, you’d look after it. You’d clean and polish it and ensure it was in perfect condition for every performance. As a vocalist, your voice is your instrument, and it deserves the same level of attention you’d give any other instrument. Look after your voice, and you’ll always be able to give your best performance. Check out our top tips for maintaining excellent vocal health… Don’t Neglect Your Warm-up Exercises It only takes a few minutes to perform some vocal warm-up exercises, but when you’re eager to sing a particular song, it can be tempting to neglect [...]

Vocal Health: Top Tips for Looking After Your Voice2024-10-31T11:20:19+00:00

Fighting the Fear – How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves


Do you get nervous before you sing in front of a crowd? Well, you’re in good company. Many of the world’s top stars, with years of experience performing for stadiums packed with adoring fans, have admitted to suffering from performance anxiety. Being World-famous Doesn’t Stop the Nerves! Elvis Presley suffered from stage fright throughout his career, with his iconic hip-swing dance moves initially being the result of shaking legs due to his high level of anxiety! Ozzy Osbourne, Freddie Mercury, Adele, Rihanna, Cher, Andrea Bocelli, and Rod Stewart have all spoken out about feeling that stomach-churning sensation of pre-performance nerves. So you [...]

Fighting the Fear – How to Conquer Pre-Performance Nerves2024-10-31T11:19:56+00:00
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